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culture committee

The Frontage of Vlekete Vothun Shrine in Vlekete Slave Market.
Ajogan Royal Dance group The Ajogan performance is a royal music and dance performance that is specifically played by women-fold from the Aholus (kings) and Togans (village Heads) palaces. The role of this women group is basically to accompany the Aholus (Kings) to traditional functions.
Vlekete Slave Market Museum. It was originally a Vothun Shrine, but was established as a slave market in 1502 which was a major slave market in the West Coast during the slave trade era. It was also used as a traditional court of justice where Richard Lander was first tried for being a British spy.
The First Storey Building in Nigeria, established in 1842. This is where the famous Samuel Ajayi Crowder translated the English Bible into Yoruba language. In the compound of the building is the first water Well dug in Nigeria.
The Canon Gun It was a symbolic slave trade weapon, used by the merchants to signal arrivals and capture the enslaved Africans. It was also later used by the British Navy for anti-slave trade activities during the slave trade abolition period.
A Bust/Stutue of freed enslaved male and female Africans at the Badagry Heritage Museum.
The Agia Tree Monument. It is was the iconic venue where first Christian sermon was held in Nigeria by Birch Freeman and Henry Townsend in 1842. It was the place where Christianity was first preached and Christmas first celebrated on Nigerian soil.